lunedì 28 settembre 2009

Sicily, province of Trapani.


After the Belice earthquake (January 1968), which was affected, Gibellina must to be reconstructed. The chosen place where to rebuild was about twenty kilometers below to the valley; in another town territory, Salinella (Salemi). To re-enact the city the mayor, Ludovico Corrao, had the astonishing idea of ”to humanize” the territory with to contact several artists including Pietro Consagra, Alberto Burri who filled the city of art creations. Other artists too shared this mission : Mario Schifano, Andrea Casciella, Arnaldo Pomodoro, Mimmo Paladino, Franco Angeli, Leonardo Sciascia. The city became an immense test laboratory and artistic planning where value creations and artists renewed the space with a new perspective.

Today Gibellina has a special artistic value especially: in the chiesa Madre , i giardini segreti, la porta del Belice (di Pietro Consagra), Piazza XV Gennaio 1968 with the Torre Civica-Carrilion , il sistema delle piazze ( di Laura Thermese- Franco Purini), il monumento ai caduti etc.. However its artist value is on conflict with the fact of a city outside from every touristic itinerary and therefore underestimated.

(Giardino segreto 1)

(La torre Civica)

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